
Nov 30, 2021|Categories: Reviews|Tags: , , , , | advertises with free registration, genuine members, and a safe dating experience. Upon further inspection, however, it turns out to be a scam with a subscription rip-off and a fake chat. To get unrestricted access to the chat feature, a paid membership subscription is needed. review

Nov 30, 2021|Categories: Reviews|Tags: , , , , | is an online dating website that helps users to find hookups quickly and easily. The operator mentions this on the landing page. They also mention that the site has over 78,000 active members, and the registration is free. This is enough to interest any potential customer. review

Nov 30, 2021|Categories: Reviews|Tags: , , , , | is a dating website specifically aimed at Christian singles, who are looking for like-minded partners, meaningful relationships and marriages. The portal advertises free registration, while claiming to be safe and secure. For our review, we took a closer look at the site’s features. review

Nov 30, 2021|Categories: Reviews|Tags: , , , , | is a platform for the Filipino community. But it is also for those who would like to date a Filipino. The site looks legit, but during our review, we found that this site is full of fictitious profiles. It is a fake chat scam. Reviews from former users also mention the same thing.

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