review 2024: Rip-off or legitimate dating site?


Review scam experience
Screenshot of

Positive and negative characteristics of


  • No positive characteristics


  • -Fake chat rip-off
  • -Subscription rip-off
  • -Fake Operator
  • -Fake Profiles
  • -Negative comments
  • -Very expensive

Report for review claims to be an online dating platform. According to our first impression, this looks like a website where senior male singles can find love, in the arms of a younger woman. However, it does not come across as a hookup website. It pretends to be a serious service. However, due to our experience in this industry, we quickly recognize the design. has been developed by Orania LTD, a company from Gibraltar. In fact, there are several operators who go by different names, registered in the exact same address. They always produce identical fake chat rip-offs. We suspect they are the same team, who occasionally change their name, so their scams will be harder to trace.

For this review, we created a simple profile. We avoided the questionnaire at the beginning of the registration process. When we arrived at the member’s area, all users were exceptionally beautiful. As you can imagine, this is an obvious red flag, but many people will not think twice about that. This seems to be a website which targets Western men who are looking for an Eastern European woman.

Scroll down to read the details of our review.

Details on the review appears to be a professional dating website. The landing page is crisp. It looks like a serious attempt to bring some value to the visitor. However, this is just a facade, hiding a fake chat scam. This platform was developed by Orania LTD, a company supposedly based in Gibraltar. This British territory, in Southern Europe, seems to be a discreet hub for some shady online dating operators.

Treacherous trap

This website is almost identical to others created by the same team. Although this time, they have tweaked the Terms and Conditions slightly. There is no explicit acknowledgement of the use of fake profiles, but it is obvious once you start navigating the website. All the characters, who are supposed to be eager community members, are way too attractive.

Furthermore, these women are not shy. They are quick to take the initiative and start flirting right away, even though our profile is completely empty. This way, it was easy to unmask their true intentions. Their goal is to convince us to buy some “credits”, so that we can have a spicy conversation with these ladies.  The problem is that many visitors, with less experience in this field, may believe that their interest is genuine. They may think that it is possible to get a date or conquer one of these women. But they are not real, so it is a waste of time and money.

Excerpt from the Terms & Conditions (as of 19/07/2024)

Any information that is available at Meetheage cannot be relied upon when deciding to use the website. The Meetheage provides no representation, warranty, or any type of guarantee concerning the correctness of any information that is available on the website.

Expensive system

We know that some people may be interested in a fantasy chat. The problem here is that the general impression of the website is that of a legit dating service. Someone may end up buying credits to interact with characters that are not real, unbeknownst to them. The first 20 credits are provided at a 70% discount, for $2.99. Once those are used up or the validity period is over, the purchase is automatically repeated. It is unclear if they will charge $2.99 again, or if the full price will be deducted this time around. Also, after countless reviews, we suspect that cancellations may get tricky.

The conclusion from our review

Apparently, is a classy dating portal, manufactured by Orania Ltd. It comes across as a professional social media platform. But it is really a rip-off. It targets lonely Western men who are looking for an Eastern European woman. Sadly, none of the ladies are real. It will be impossible to find a date though this service. Furthermore, if you pay to participate in the chat, the agreement is automatically renewed, and may be very difficult to cancel.

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