2024: A Critical Analysis of the Online Dating World


Review scam experience
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Positive and negative characteristics of


  • No positive characteristics


  • -Fake chat rip-off
  • -Fake Operator
  • -Fake Profiles
  • -Unlikely to meet
  • -Negative comments
  • -Very expensive

Report for review is presented as a dating platform for people who are looking for online flirty chats, and discrete casual dates. Users who want to experience extensive online entertainment options, such as flirty chats, can create an account for free on this site, and enjoy its services. The platform also has several beautiful pictures to attract new users. The site operator informs users that these pictures may belong to real members of the platform. However, our review of the site revealed that the platform is a fake chat scam, which uses fictitious profiles to rip off users.

We were able to determine that this website is operated and managed by AdMirror LTD, from Santa Venera, Malta. We discovered from our previous reviews, that this is a fake chat operator, which manages several dating sites. They lure users to pay for their services by using fictitious profiles. You can never meet anyone in real life. In our experience, such operators are only interested in making money. They are not concerned about giving users a platform to connect with others.

Additionally, we discovered that this platform offers users a subscription-based service, with hidden fees. It is a complete rip-off. We established that the site has many fictitious profiles. Users cannot meet these in real life. Also, the operator exposes users’ personal information to data breaches, by sharing this with risky third parties.

Scroll down to read the details of our review.

Details on the review is promoted as a great platform for individuals who are looking for online chats and casual dates. It has many attractive pictures, to entice new users. AdMirror LTD, from Malta, even claims the site offers imaginative and exciting dating options. However, our review revealed that the site is managed by a fake chat operator, who uses fictitious profiles to rip off users. Users must be aware of the nature of these profiles, to avoid wasting their time and money.

Use of staff profiles

Users who join this platform for discrete meetings with real people will be disappointed, because it contains many fictitious profiles. We discovered that these profiles were created and managed by the site’s employees. They use these profiles to entertain users, and for other purposes, like marketing and data analysis.

Based on our experience, this operator uses these profiles to target users who do not understand their nature. They use these fake profiles to entice users with erotic messages, and make them purchase the site’s subscription packages, to reply to such messages.

Excerpt from the Terms & Conditions (as of 01/04/2024)

We may from time to time create profiles that are created, managed and maintained by our employees. Such profiles may be created for the testing purposes to make sure the service is operating as expected and without any technical faults or glitches.

Rip off subscription packages

Users can register for free on this platform. But they must pay to access the site’s useful features. Our review of the site’s Terms and Conditions revealed that users who pay for the subscription packages are rebilled automatically every month. These subscription packages have hidden fees of up to $5.00 This is a complete rip-off, given that users are paying for these packages to chat with fictitious profiles, who they will never meet.

Data privacy risks

The operator acknowledges that they share users’ data with other, unverified, third parties. Furthermore, they disassociate themselves from any data privacy breaches, or damages, that these third parties may cause. Their disassociation from taking accountability for such risks means that users’ personal information on this platform is unsafe. Therefore, people would be better off avoiding this website because of this data privacy risk.

The conclusion from our review

Our review of revealed that the platform is a fake chat scam, designed to rip off unsuspecting clients. It is owned by a fake chat operator. They use fictitious profiles to trick users into paying for costly subscriptions, which have hidden fees. The platform also exposes users’ information to data breaches, by sharing this with unverified third parties. We advise users to avoid this platform, because they will lose money chatting with fake profiles, who they will never meet in person.

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