in 2024: Insider Knowledge and Reviews

Positive and negative characteristics of
- No positive characteristics
- -Fake chat rip-off
- -Fake Operator
- -Fake Profiles
- -Unlikely to meet
- -Negative comments
- -Very expensive
Report on review
The online dating portal makes a good first impression. On the landing page, we see the image of an attractive woman and the registration screen. Registration is free and easily completed. The same page displayed general information about the site and its services. This advised us that this site is a matchmaker. And what it offers sounds very promising.
As far as hard facts are concerned, this portal has more than 39 million members. During our review, more than 140,000 people were online. Such numbers sound highly encouraging. This site appears to be a great choice. And the platform is reasonably transparent. We read numerous useful details on the homepage, including information about niche dating sites related to this one. We also read various testimonials. This website seems to have a great reputation.
The platform operator is Avanta Inc, which is based in California, USA. We did some research on the internet. And we were rather surprised at the results. This site turns out to have a bad reputation. The testimonials on its homepage are obviously fake. And the operator has a bad reputation too.
Casual Dating
Dating sites
Is a rip-off?
Yes, the online dating platform is a rip-off. This website uses cheeky fake chat. And costs will arise for a subscription. There might be a risk of falling into a subscription trap. In the legal information, we read about automatic renewal. Well, automatic renewal isn’t necessarily bad in principle. But here it makes the website hard to trust. The information on the landing page is fabricated and highly misleading. We already know this website is a scam with fake chat. So if it subjected users to a subscription rip-off too, we’d only see the tip of the iceberg.
First, we’d like to explain its misleading advertising. This website claims to be a legit matchmaker. US singles should be able to meet the loves of their lives here. Arranging casual dates is not this site’s main purpose, but they’re not completely excluded. In a nutshell, this website appears to be suitable for all kinds of singles. It lures interested people onto the site, and what this offers is attractively promoted. Plus, we read glowing testimonials on the landing page.
Our research shows all this information is fake. We checked on the internet for more information about the site. We found a lot of negative reviews there. Although the site’s homepage only highlights its very best aspects in the testimonials presented, the internet community has a completely different view. Well, we share the latter perspective, as we had some bad experiences with this portal.
We tried to figure out whether the site is reliable or not. It soon transpired that this website is a bad choice. It claims to be a matchmaker. But to find accurate matches, a lot of personal information is required. Admittedly, the registration process does include answering a few questions. However, too little personal data is requested for it realistically to find accurate matches. This is another clue that this website is not what it claims to be.
After our registration, we immediately received a lot of messages from other members. The profiles concerned are fake and show fictitious people. It’s obviously not possible to meet a fictitious person in real life. But one problem with this site is that its fake profiles are not marked as fictitious content. Moreover, the fake profiles are moderated. Fake chat operators manage these fake profiles. They take the first step and actively encourage new members to join conversations. This is another problem. And they don’t identify themselves as fictitious people, which is the biggest problem of all.
The purported goal of moderation is the entertainment of the user. This purpose is stated in the site’s legal information. But this is patently not true either. Generally speaking, the ‘purpose of entertainment’ often means moderated chat. It tends to mean a fake chat scam. A dating website is not supposed to be for entertainment. It should provide a service that connects potential matches and ensures safe use. But none of this is the case here.
We also have to mention another dicey aspect of this website. Costs will develop for taking out subscriptions. Doing this is of course a total waste of time and money. But there’s also a risk of falling into a trap. Premium membership is renewed automatically. This is usually not a problem in principle. But it’s used here by a site which is not trustworthy and plays cheeky tricks to encourage new members to make subscription purchases. So the risk of falling for this kind of rip-off as well is quite strong.
Registration on
On the landing page we see the registration screen. Registration is free and completed quickly. It starts with our indicating our gender and the one we are looking for. This platform allows registration as a woman or man. It is possible to look for either a woman or a man: this site thus allows gay and heterosexual matchmaking. So this portal appears to be a serious matchmaker. It does not look like a typical casual dating site.
We then enter our age and a valid e-mail address and, in the next stage of the process, see a long list of questions. These questions concern our social behavior and expectations of our matches. We do not have to type our replies but can choose them from a list. Each question offers multiple answers, but we can only choose one. The next stage asks us to indicate our interests and hobbies. Various recreations are displayed with images; it’s possible here to make multiple choices.
All in all, the registration process takes a few minutes. The whole process is simple. By the way, uploading a profile picture is obligatory. We appreciate this step and the fact that it is required. This improves the website’s quality. In general, websites that do not make this step compulsory usually have members´ areas filled with profiles without images.
The registration process is, however, rather basic. As this portal claims to be a matchmaker, we grow a little suspicious. In our experience, a matchmaking algorithm needs a lot more personal information to find accurate matches. But here this usual requirement doesn’t seem important. Well, this omission leaves a bad impression. And we don’t have to verify our account. This is another negative point. As we see it, this opens the door to fake profiles.
Members’ area on
The members´ area is our first stop. We see a lot of members there. This website is really crowded. And its community seems very active. We assume there’s a good prospect of finding a match quickly and easily. But before we explain the membership system in further detail, we’d like to describe the platform’s appearance and navigation.
On the site’s left side, we see its various sections. Date roulette is available. Random profile pictures are displayed which we can ‘like’ or not. This is one way of making contact. As we see it, this is a fun function, and it’s free too. We also see the inbox and our notifications. These notifications include likes and our favorites list. Plus, we see our profile settings, customer support and an offer to upgrade our account.
The profiles on the site look great. We can see all the profile pictures and visit each profile individually to read further personal information. This would normally be a positive aspect, but as this website does not require verification, it is not positive here. Failure to insist on verification makes it possible for anyone to access our personal information. This of course amounts to grossly inadequate personal data protection.
Moreover, the profiles in the members´ pool look fake to us. Our impression is that there’s not one single average-looking person on this site. Well, this doesn’t seem very realistic. In our experience, this is a clear sign of fake profiles. On the internet, we found reviews alleging moderated fake profiles. Plus, the use of moderated fictitious profiles is admitted in the legal information. This website is a scam with fake chat, and we have all proof we need to demonstrate this.
It was in fact fairly easy to spot the use of moderation here. After our registration, we already had six messages in our post box. And the number soon rose. After five more minutes spent conducting our review, we had more than 10 messages in our inbox. These can of course only be fake. Our profile does include some information we had to provide while registering. But we uploaded a profile picture that showed nothing but a white screen. And we didn’t divulge too much information.
So there was nothing really appealing about our profile. And we didn’t verify our account. In the end, other users will only see a new member with a useless profile picture who’s not verified their account. Usually, such a profile would not even elicit a response on other sites. But here we are spammed. The vaunted goal of moderation is the purpose of entertainment, according to the site’s legal information. It is obvious this isn’t the real reason.
The goal of moderation is to increase the operator’s income. Costs will develop for sending messages. This is why fake chat operators contact new members without identifying themselves as fictitious people. Their fake profiles are also not marked as fake. Ultimately, users know nothing about moderation. This in our view means the whole thing is a rip-off. Reviews on the internet agree with us here.

Terms and conditions of
Extract from the terms and conditions from the website. Current status of the terms and conditions as of December 3, 2020.
You agree and accept the fact that some of the existing profiles that you communicate with can be nominal users. [...] Messages that are sent from nominal users are aimed at communication modeling. Thus, after the purchase of the subscription, users will have the experience that will help and encourage them to maintain contact with a large number of other real users. You also agree and accept the fact that the description, photos, and any other information found in these profiles are added mainly to entertain and help you understand how our Service works. These profiles can initiate communication and send winks, view your profile and send virtual gifts. Your subscription will continue indefinitely until cancelled by you. After your initial subscription commitment period, and again after any subsequent subscription period, your subscription will automatically continue for an additional equivalent period, at the price you agreed to when subscribing. You agree that your account will be subject to this automatic renewal feature.
Costs on
Registration is free. After it’s completed, free basic membership is provided which runs unrestricted. This kind of membership allows users quite an extensive latitude. We were able to visit all profiles in the members´ pool. This even worked with our unverified profile: a point we regard as negative. However, free basic membership allowed us to use all kinds of features. We were even able to read messages, play a round of date roulette and send winks to other members.
So we had the chance to make initial contact. But this wasn’t necessary here. Within a few minutes, we’d already received our first messages. Well, this could make a good impression on some. But we know from experience that it’s a clear sign of fake chat. By the way, we have proof of moderation. But for the time being, this section concerns charges on this website.
Costs will develop for sending messages. This is the only service which is charged. A user needs a subscription for premium membership to send messages to other members. Payments can be made with a credit card or PayPal account. Neither coins nor credits are offered. The subscription is renewed automatically if the user does not terminate it on time. Usually, this is no bad thing. But here it forms part of another kind of rip-off. The subscriptions appear to be a trap. On the internet, we found reviews alleging this.
The first hint of a subscription trap is that we already know this website is a scam. Adding a subscription trap doesn’t make a huge difference by this stage. Second, the site and its operator have bad reputations. So the contact partner is not reliable either. Third, automatic renewal is admitted only in the terms and conditions but not in the payment section.
Premium membership is offered with three different terms. It is obvious that all versions of the subscription are a waste of time and money. One month of premium membership costs 39.99 USD per month. Premium membership for three months costs 59.99 USD. Last but not least, premium membership for six months costs 79.99 USD. We are not sure whether these costs apply for one month only or for the full term. We assume the price covers the full term. However, the costs will recur after each term ends.

Conclusion from our experience is a rip-off with fake chat and a subscription trap. All profiles on the site are fake. This is not just our experience; reviews on the internet agree with us here. The goal of moderation is the purpose of entertainment. Or at least, the purpose of entertainment is the reason stated in the legal information. But this is of course not true. The real goal is to inveigle new members into making purchases. Costs develop for subscriptions that might end in a cheeky trap. Cast-iron proof of a subscription trap is missing, but all the signs indicate this.
However, the real goal of moderation is not the entertainment of users but increasing the operator’s income. Users have to pay for sending messages. This is a waste of time and money. But to achieve this goal, fake chat operators take the first step. They actively encourage members to join conversations. But they will not mention anything about moderation. Nor are fake profiles specially labeled. The site operator is Avanta Inc, which is based in California, USA.
Casual Dating
Dating sites
Contact data of the operator of
Avanta Inc
1470 Civic Court Ste 309
Concord, CA, 94520
FAQs for
Here you can find the FAQ (Questions and Answers) for the dating website
What has attracted positive attention to
What this website offers in its advertising is great.
What has attracted negative attention to
The profiles are fake and there is a high risk of falling into a subscription trap.
What can I do on with a free account?
A free account allows members to use many features. Paid membership is needed to send messages.
Can I really meet someone on
No, the profiles are fake and created for virtual entertainment. Reviews on the internet claim all profiles are fake.
Is there moderators or bots on
Yes, fake chat operators are employed. They moderate the fake profiles and take the first step in conducting a conversation.
How can I cancel my account on
To terminate your premium membership, please contact customer support.