A fun look at its pros and cons

Positive and negative characteristics of
- No positive characteristics
- -Fake chat rip-off
- -Fake Operator
- -Fake Profiles
- -Unlikely to meet
- -Negative comments
- -Very expensive
Report on review looks like a reputable online dating platform. The website offers free registration. This is one of the few items of information provided on the homepage. On the landing page, we also see a selection of profiles. Well, we assume the images on the landing page show actual site members. It is not stated whether these people are registered users or if the content is for advertising only.
The site does not offer much information, which is a negative aspect. We do not know whether costs will arise after registration. We also have no idea how many members are registered here. Last but not least, the platform’s services are not explained. The platform looks like a matchmaker, but it could also be a normal singles’ dating site. It could even be some kind of casual dating site. Anyway, the lack of transparency is bad. In our experience, this is the first hint of an unreliable choice.
The platform operator is Interpillar LTD, which is based in Las Vegas, USA.
Casual Dating
Dating sites
Is a rip-off?
Yes, all signs suggest it is. The online dating website is an entertainment service. This is stated in the legal information. In our experience, entertainment is not really what it purports to be. It usually means moderation. Before we explain fake chat, we would like to make some other criticisms. First, the website is not transparent. We know little about the site’s services. We also have no idea whether costs will arise.
After registration, we learn more. We view a lot of profiles that look fake. We found numerous reviews from former users on the internet. This site has a bad reputation, which is the second point we have to mention. Third, this site uses automatic top-up. Costs will develop for credits needed to chat. How much these credits cost is unknown. We have to enter our credit card details first to see the prices. This is patently a cheeky rip-off.
If a user makes a purchase, the automatic top-up is similar to a subscription rip-off. The payment recurs more often than a user actually wants. We found reports about this on the internet. Cancelling automatic top-up seems to be challenging.
The real problem is fake chat. Our impression is that the profiles on the site are fake. Most profiles show professional model images. They do not look like images we would expect on such a dating website. We also receive notifications asking us to contact various users. We question why this should happen. At the end of the day, we do not know whether we are being offered a real match. The notifications only mention that we should start chatting right now. To chat, costs will arise.
If a user buys credits and starts a chat, the chances of meeting a match are very low. This website is an entertainment service. But a dating website is not supposed to be for entertainment. It is a service where singles can chat to get to know each other safely. The goal is a date and not users´ entertainment. But on this site, users will be entertained. To ensure this entertainment service works, fake chat operators control the fake profiles. This site is a fake chat scam.
On this website, you will chat with fake chat operators. While chatting, they will not identify themselves as fictitious people. And no indication of such a role is marked on their profiles. So users know nothing about moderation. If they read the terms and conditions, they will know about the entertainment function. However, ‘entertainment’ sounds way less off-putting than fake chat. Most users probably have little idea of the real meaning of the purpose of ‘entertainment’. It is in fact a rip-off.
Registration on
Registration is easy and completed within a few minutes. On the landing page, we see the registration form. Women and men can register free of charge. The process starts with our gender. We can register as a woman or man. But we are not yet able to enter our sexual orientation. Then we enter our age and name. We provide a valid e-mail address and password. To continue creating a profile, we have to agree to the terms & conditions and privacy policy.
Afterwards, we have to answer a wide range of questions. In three steps, we enter a lot of details about ourselves and our expectations of our matches. All replies are chosen from a list. The whole process of registration is very easy. In one step, we enter a short description of ourselves. So this site gives us the chance to create an extensive profile, which is of course a good thing. It is also possible to upload a profile image, which is not compulsory but highly recommended.
All in all, the registration process makes this site appear reasonably positive looking. There are some websites that promise to find your perfect match but fail to request any personal information. But how could a search algorithm on such sites ever find a perfect match? In this regard, this site appears very plausible.
After registration, we are automatically redirected to the members´ area. It is not obligatory to verify our profile. This is not a good sign. Until this point, the site appeared a reliable choice. Unverified profiles present a high risk for other users. They mean spammers and scammers can register easily.
Members’ area on
After we complete all steps of the registration process, we visit the members´ area. This is our first stop after the rather extensive registration process. We see a lot of profiles. This website is really popular. Most users have uploaded a profile picture, which is good. Our profile seems to be the exception. In general, the platform has a modern and appealing design. Thanks to this, we have a good overview of all its areas. We can use the search function. By the way, this site offers various opportunities for us to initiate the first contact.
We have plenty of choices. Most profiles show good-looking women. Some profile pictures actually look a little too good to be true. Some profiles appear fake. We also receive notifications that we can chat with other members. So we do not receive actual messages. But we are reminded over and over again that we should contact a particular member. In the end, we are not sure why we receive these notifications.
We do not know whether we share the same interests as the members who have supposedly sent these. It could be that they visited our profile and liked it. Or these notifications could be fake, just like some profiles in the members´ pool. Regarding fake profiles, we speak from our experience. However, we did some research on the internet and found reviews alleging fake chat. So we are not the only ones to suspect this. Former users also mention fake profiles. Moreover, they refer in their reviews to moderated chat.
We checked the legal information. There is no mention of fake chat operators or fictitious profiles. But the operator does mention the purpose of entertainment. Well, ‘entertainment’ sounds suspicious. It could be a hint of fake chat. It’s sometimes used as a euphemism. An operator refers to the purpose of ‘entertainment’. Actually, entertainment means moderation. The goal of moderation is not the entertainment of users, but increasing the income of the operator.
In our view, the notifications advising us that we can chat with other members are fake. Especially since we currently cannot chat with other members. If we want to chat, we have to pay. Costs will arise for credits. As far as costs are concerned, the operator plays another cheeky trick. However, if we make a purchase and start a chat, we will be entertained. So we will not be chatting with real singles, but instead with fake chat operators.

Terms and conditions of
Extract from the terms and conditions from the website. Current status of the terms and conditions as of September 13, 2020.
Any statement that may be posted on the Service is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to replace or substitute for any professional financial, medical, legal, or other advice. Automatic Top-Up is a convenient way for you to enjoy an uninterrupted experience at our Website. If you have enabled Automatic Top-Up, your payment method will be automatically charged for the specified number of credits (and at the price last shown to you) every time your balance of credits runs below a specified number shown to you (for example, below 5 credits), until you turn it off.
Costs on
Registration is free. Subscriptions are not on offer. Initially, we excluded any possibility of a subscription trap. But this reaction was not completely justified. Costs will ensue for credits, which will be rebought automatically. This sounds like a trap to us. Or at the very least, it sounds like something similar.
With free membership, we are able to visit all areas of the site. It is possible to see all profiles. We can also visit every profile to read further personal information. It is possible to chat with every member. There is no differentiation as there are no VIP members or other separate categories. While reviewing the site, we receive a lot of notifications that we should start a chat. As stated before, we assume these notifications are fake. They are supposed to encourage us to purchase credits.
Credits are needed to chat. Every first message sent costs 10 credits. Afterwards, each message sent costs 30 credits. We had hoped to rate the price-performance ratio, but this was not possible. We wanted to see the credits on offer. But to view all the different packages available, we have to provide our credit card details first.
In general, we advise you never to do this. Never provide your credit card details before seeing the full offer. You should be especially wary if a site appears to use fake profiles and misleading advertising. Anyway, we were not able to see the credit packages on offer. So we do not know how much one message costs. First, this makes this site very untrustworthy. Second, the purchase of credits will be a waste of money anyway. All signs point to fake chat.
Conclusion from our experience is a scam with fake chat. This website is an entertainment service. ‘Entertainment’ can stand for moderation. Well, the goal of moderation is not the amusement of users. Actually, moderation aims to increase the income of the operator. The platform operator is Interpillar LTD, which is based in Las Vegas, USA.
Costs arise for credits. We could not see the prices of these credits. To view them, we would have had to provide our credit card details. This is generally a step that needs to be taken with the utmost care and caution. But this website does not appear reliable. It uses misleading advertising. Furthermore, the profiles in the members´ pool look fake. The portal has a bad reputation on the internet. During our review, we received a lot of fake notifications inviting us to chat with other members. These amount to extensive signs of an untrustworthy choice.
Last but not least, credit purchases will multiply automatically. This sounds like a cheeky trick. Actually, it sounds like a subscription trap without a subscription that uses credits instead. In the end, the purchase of credits is a waste of money. This site is a waste of time. It is a scam.
Casual Dating
Dating sites
Contact data of the operator of
Interpillar LTD
3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, Suite 500
Las Vegas, NV 89169
FAQs for
Here you can find the FAQ (Questions and Answers) for the dating website
What has attracted positive attention to
This website has a modern appearance. And profiles with a lot of content can be created.
What has attracted negative attention to
The profiles in the members´ area are obviously fake. We also received a lot of notifications which were clearly fake too.
What can I do on with a free account?
A free account allows users a lot of freedom. We were able to visit all site areas; there is no paid VIP membership on offer.
Can I really meet someone on
Our experience suggests the profiles are fake.
Is there moderators or bots on
This website is an entertainment service. The profiles seem to be moderated. Fake chat operators will not take the first step in chatting, but they will not identify themselves for what they really are later.
How can I cancel my account on
To cancel your automatic top-up of credits, please check your profile settings. If you need help, please contact customer support. Customer support is also the first port of call in deleting your profile if help is required.
On any "DATING" site, you must use a DEBIT card, Visa, Mastercard, WHATEVER...Anyone can buy this at a grocery store and put a certain limit on the card that you can AFFORD.., My apologies, if you are UGLY, and you know who you are, your chances of getting a "YOUNG' beautiful sexy, perfect woman just because you have a few million dollars does "NOT" change the fact that a woman's biological or brain neurological pathway's change...You cannot change millions of years of human evolution with money...Sure, it happens once in a "BLOOD MOON", but a womans true feelings will manifest itself in the most horrific ways known to man...I'm not sorry, but this happens to be, well known documented scientific FACT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
This site is a total scam. These Beautiful women, most likely are paid models. You are not talking to them! When I told one of them who told me she "loved" me. I said that I would come see her see told me she had moved into the mountains! Their profiles are also a big lie! Non are taller than 5ft 7inches all of their weights are between 99 and 141, no one is married and very few have children. some of them are doctors, Lawyers, and dentists. Non of them are willing to communicate on any other for of social media. They don't have cell phones or email addresses. They don't have Passports or Visas. Their game is to keep you talking, so you buy more credits. They will send you videos of themselves but if you view it it costs $20.00 or 50 credits. some of the "models" are wearing wedding and engagement rings! i even saw pictures of children in the back seat of a car while the "model" took a selfie! This site should have been shut down a long time ago! this is internet fraud! BE AWARE DON'T GET SCAMMED! TA
Hi. In general Lovefort is a scam. After contacting several Colombian ladies online, and making several imagined romantic breakthroughs, a trip to Colombia soon exposed the fact that most of the women were in fact living tortuous real-world love-lives, and were only interested in developing complimentary fantasy digital love-lives to compensate for their lack of real-world satisfaction. Good luck
i have had similar experiences with many of the foriegn dating sites, one wanted a copy of my drivers license or passport to unblock the new account (mine). they appear to all be scams..if anyone knows of a legit latin/american dating site, i'm all ears!