Expert Analysis: Pros and Cons of Using in 2024

Positive and negative characteristics of
- No positive characteristics
- -Fake chat rip-off
- -Fake Operator
- -Fake Profiles
- -Unlikely to meet
- -Negative comments
- -Very expensive
Report on review
The online dating platform gives a good first impression. The landing page has a modern and appealing design with an image of an attractive woman. This picture creates a feeling of assurance; that we would find gorgeous women on this website. Additionally, the screen for registration is located here and is completely free. Women and men can join this platform for free. This is already one reason to join the platform. There are even more advertisements on the landing page.
This website showed promising advertisements. Many people seem to have joined the platform, so at the time, we assumed that the number of members was high. That would mean the chance of meeting other singles in the US must be high as well. Moreover, the community of the platform seemed to be chatty, friendly, and most importantly, very open-minded.
The advertisement sounded great, but there are a few negative aspects to mention. Firstly, there was missing information pertaining to the details of the website. Secondly, while the content on the landing page did create a very promising impression, it did not disclose the number of members who are actually still active. Even the name of the website was highly suspicious to us. seemed to be a platform for chatting and not for finding actual dates. Finally, the worst aspect of all, was that fictitious profiles were mentioned on the landing page.
This platform claimed that the use of fictitious profiles is for entertaining users. We’ve experienced this sort of claim before. Whenever a website says they use fictitious profiles, it is a way to justify their fake chat service. The truth is that it is a scam. On this site, the text concerning the use of virtual profiles is hidden at the very bottom of the landing page. You would have to scroll all the way down to see it in small text. It seems that the site operator does not want newcomers to find this section of the page.
The site operator is Appcreators BV, which is based in Venlo, Netherlands. We know of this company already. We did some online research on them and found several negative reviews. Former users were not satisfied with the website. By the way, this is not the only dating site this company runs. is one of the many websites operated by Appcreators BV, and all their other sites have a bad image. We figured that wouldn’t be so different.
Casual Dating
Dating sites
Is a rip-off?
At first, we were not completely sure if this website could be considered a fake chat scam. However, after registering and testing the portal, we came to a verdict. As it turned out, the online dating platform is a rip-off. The reason why we were not sure from the start was that this website admitted to using virtual profiles to entertain users. However, we should have noticed from the name of the website itself, that it didn’t really refer to dating in general. The name refers to the possibility to chat, but not finding a match for a date.
Moreover, we found evidence regarding the use of fictitious profiles. These fictitious profiles are used for the entertainment of users. This is generally a sign of moderation and fake chats. As the use of virtual entertainment was stated on the landing page, we concluded that most if not all the profiles are moderated. Since the site openly admitted to this, we figured that users would know this. However, doing a little bit of research proved us wrong. Users did not know about this, for the mention of fictitious profiles was hidden at the very bottom of the page.
Users who read the notice at the bottom of the landing page only know that fictitious profiles are used for the purpose of entertainment. The full extent of moderation and fake chat operators is not clear in the text. Right after the registration process, “fake chat” operators will take the first step in contacting new members. During our review of this website, we received countless messages from chat operators.
The simple fact is that fake chat operators are actively encouraging new members to chat is a problem with this site. Additionally, chat operators will not reveal themselves to the new users they chat with. Therefore, users would remain unaware of moderation or fictitious profiles until it is too late. There is no sign of indication for fake profiles, for they are not displayed as such. It would be difficult for users to spot fake profiles.
Well, thanks to our experience with dating sites, we were able to pick out the fake profiles. All profiles show extremely attractive women, which is the first hint of a fake profile. Normally seeing gorgeous women on a dating site leaves a promising impression, but they are way too many of them. The chances of finding and matching with so many good-looking females are low, yet we only matched with gorgeous women on this site. All the profiles that show female users are described as the perfect partner by the platform.
There is still more to mention. In the terms and conditions, we found information about moderation. This text explained the moderated chat in greater detail. However, the purpose of entertainment was not explained. On the other hand, the goal of the website was mentioned. They claimed that virtual profiles are for amusing users, but this is not the case.
The company uses fake profiles to chat with users. Their plan is to trick users into thinking they are chatting with real users. Users think they are speaking to genuine people and will continue to pay for the website’s services. So, the true goal is to increase the income of the site operator. Users will be charged hefty prices for use of the website. This website is a cheeky rip-off with a fake chat scam. The chance of meeting real people here is slim to none. Speaking from experience, we can confidently say that all the profiles here are fake.
Registration on
Registration on is free for women and men. Additionally, the process of registration is simple and can be completed within minutes. This website will not ask for a lot of personal information. It does not have an accurate matchmaking algorithm, for it is a simple chatting website. From what we saw on the landing page, this platform did not seem like it was meant for dating. Even the name itself is a dead giveaway. It appears to be nothing more than a site for chatting with other people online.
However, the landing page shows the screen for creating a profile. It is possible to create a new account with an already existing Facebook profile. However, we had chosen an alternative method of creating a new profile with a valid e-mail address. We had to enter a valid e-mail address, a password, and a username. Moreover, we had to enter our age, our gender, and sexual orientation. It was possible to register as a woman or a man. Plus, homosexual and heterosexual matchmaking was supposedly achievable.
To complete the registration process, we had to state that we read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions, the privacy policy, and the communication guidelines. We were then redirected to the members’ pool, where we received a pop-up notification that reminded us to verify our accounts. However, we didn’t really need to verify our account, for it was possible to enter the website without doing so. This is one of the website’s many negative aspects.
Verification helps to protect personal information and to avoid fake profiles. A profile picture is not needed for completing a profile on this platform. While we were registering, we were not asked to upload a picture. Uploading a picture was only optional after the registration process. Providing personal information was not mandatory as well. Only basic contact details are needed to create a profile. The whole process took us less than a minute to finish.
Members’ area on
After a very short registration process, we entered the platform. Our first stop was the members´ pool, as we were automatically redirected to this section. We also saw a notification about verification, but we ignored it because it’s optional. Later in this review, we will explain more about the website’s negative aspects of optional verification. Now, we want to shift the focus onto the handling of the website, its design, and the community.
The design of the interface is still modern and appealing, just like the appearance of the landing page. At the top of the interface, there are different areas with a bad overview. It is difficult to navigate through this platform. The bad navigation and the difficult handling are two major problems with the site.
At the top of the website are the different menus, such as the chatroom, notifications, profile visitors, and our likes. The site also has a search function which can be used for free. Another interesting section on this site is a game called “Lucky Wheel.” It is possible to win free coins with this game. Coins are used for sending messages, and they normally cost money. Lucky Wheel makes it possible to earn virtual coins and save some money.
So, the design of the website is appealing, but the handling is not easy because of its bad navigation. Now we want to mention our thoughts about the site’s community. Before we explain more about it, we want to remind you about the text we found on the landing page. The text stated the use of fictitious profiles that are used for the purpose of entertainment. As mentioned before, entertainment is not the goal of the website.
Right after we completed our registration, we received our first likes, notifications, and messages. All these activities were generated by “fake chat” operators. Their goal is to encourage us to get active. Sooner or later, costs will develop for using the website. Winning coins, with the “Lucky Wheel,” does not change that.
We received countless messages that all came from fake chat operators. They tried to entice us by taking the first step to reply. It is a bad sign to receive messages from many people when your profile has no information. Even worse, chat operators do not mention anything about the purpose of entertainment. If a user did not spot the text on the landing page, they will not know about the moderated profiles. Since the text is hidden at the bottom of the landing page in small print, this website appears to be a scam.
A “fake chat” operator will not reveal themselves to be a fictitious person. They will not mention anything about fake chats either. Fake profiles do not have any kind of indicator to let users know they are fake. The website’s goal is not the entertainment of users, but to trick users into spending money on the site. We did some online research on, and we found many reviews from former users who had a disappointing experience with this site.
It is very obvious that users of the website do not know about the moderator-generated profiles at first. On the landing page, users are notified of virtual profiles acting as a means of entertainment. The terms and conditions do not explain the full scale of moderated profiles and the use of fake chats. We ultimately decided that this website was filled with fictitious profiles. According to former users’ reviews, it seems that they also came to the same conclusion we did.
Reports from the internet also mention high costs for using the website. Fake chat operators encourage members to chat again and again. We even received more than 10 messages while reviewing the website, and those messages were obviously fake. One fake chat operator claimed that we looked very familiar to them. This is simply not possible, as we did not even upload a profile picture.
Terms and conditions of
Extract from the terms and conditions from the website. Current status of the terms and conditions as of September 27, 2021.
Appcreators uses professional animators and operators for the entertainment of the Users, who are not identified separately in the system. This Service is provided in the highest quality. Real meetings are not possible with these operators. Users can only send them messages within the portal.
Costs on
The online dating portal offers free registration. Costs will not develop right after registration. This website does not offer any kind of subscription. All payments are one-time purchases. Costs will develop for coins that are needed to send messages. We received 100 coins for free after registering. It is some kind of welcome present, which we highly appreciate, of course.
50 coins are needed to send one message, so we were able to send two messages. We would have had to buy more coins to continue sending messages. Before we explain the rates per message, we want to point out a few more facts about the portal. Most importantly, the low chance of success. This website is not a dating website, but an entertainment service. The purpose of entertainment is stated on the landing page and in the legal information. It will be virtual entertainment only. Moreover, the true goal of the site is not entertainment.
The platform employs fake chat operators to entertain users. This is stated in the terms and conditions. Users do not know about moderators or the purpose of entertainment. The goal of moderators is to increase the income of the site’s operator. To achieve this goal, they will actively lure new members to chat. They will not let users be aware of the charade. That makes this website a cheeky rip-off.
Moreover, the use of this platform is not even cheap. That is the tip of the iceberg. All money that is spent on this website will be wasted. It is not just a waste of money, but a waste of time as well. Speaking from personal experience, all profiles are fake. Reviews from the internet stated the same findings. Moreover, your personal data would not be safe here. This website has an optional verification. That brings a high risk for all personal information that is provided, including personal messages.
However, leaking data protection is not the main problem with the site. It is an entertainment service, or as we call it, a fake chat scam. Coins are offered in 5 different packages. The smallest package contains 200 coins and costs 4.99 USD. This package allows users to send up to five messages. The rate per message is about 1.00 USD. In the biggest package, which cost 99.99 USD, users could get 4,000 coins. After purchasing that package, it is possible to send up to 80 messages. The rate per message is more than 1.00 USD.
We find the cost to be very irritating and very high. The biggest package does not come with the cheapest price per message. However, all the money that is spent on the website is lost anyway. By the way, it is possible to send virtual gifts, images, and virtual kisses as well. The rates for sending this kind of content are even higher.
Conclusion from our experience
The online dating platform is a scam. This website uses fake chats to increase the income of the website’s operator. However, this portal has many problems. Firstly, it has misleading information on the landing page. Registration is free, but users will be charged later for extra services. Cost is not mentioned on the landing page. However, the platform claims to make actual matchmaking and dating possible, but that is not true.
The website is an entertainment service that uses fictitious profiles. This is stated on the landing page, but the notification is hidden at the base of the webpage. The site’s operator does not want you to read this important piece of information. After registering, fake chat operators will stimulate new members to chat, but they will not reveal themselves to be fictitious people. Their fake profiles are not marked as such. Members of the site will not get any hint of fake chats while using the site.
The goal of fake chats is not the entertainment of users. Costs will develop for sending messages. Fake chat operators try to generate as many messages as possible. With every sent message, the income of the operator increases. The site operator is Appcreators BV, which is based in Venlo, Netherlands. This company is well-known for its cheeky scam dating network.
Casual Dating
Dating sites
Contact data of the operator of
Appcreators BV
Kaldenkerkerweg 20
5913AE Venlo
FAQs for
Here you can find the FAQ (Questions and Answers) for the dating website
What has attracted positive attention to
The platform has a modern design and the advertisement sounds interesting.
What has attracted negative attention to
The website is an entertainment service. It uses fake chat to increase the income of the site operator.
What can I do on with a free account?
The platform does not offer premium membership. Costs will develop for sending messages, kisses, and images.
Can I really meet someone on
According to our experience, it is not possible. Reviews on the internet share our opinion.
Is there moderators or bots on
Yes, this website employs fake chat operators to entertain users. In the terms and conditions, they are called professional “animators” or “operators.”
How can I cancel my account on
The website does not offer any kind of subscription that has to be terminated. In the profile settings, you will find the option to delete your profile.
Just got through with them, before I read this article. WOW I should have guessed "something was up," when I was getting hits from Women, when I hadn't even uploaded anything about myself, let alone a photo!
Well if i had read this about this FAKE site I would never have joined it . Just this morning Sunday 8th Jan I went in to buy a package for $50 THEY SUCKED 3 LOTS OUT OF MY ACCOUNT. No one from this site has even bothered to respond to a request for the money to be returned, On top of that all I get is fake females from MELBOURNE, I am in South Australia, STAY AWAY FROM THIS SITE IT IS A PIT HOLE.
I have just joined this scam chat and I noticed that not of the women are real. They want to continue faking you until you put in your card for them to steal your money. Please be careful.
Run away from this site IT'S A SCAM No woman just a automated message producer to make you buy coins for never talking to a real woman. Do you know, that states in their Terms of Service (ToS), that they use fake profiles to send you fake messages just to get your money, but you will never be able to meet these women.
Yes I have been chatting with several lady's for about a year but none of them are willing to meet, or it's too soon
Absolutely right what I have read I have been talking to someone for 5 months I ask to meet but again excuses all the time she even said she can't meet at the moment her friend has cancer like all the men that sent there experience on chatzone I agree in one person saying there should be something done about it it's taking money falsely it's terrible that they are getting away with this absolutely disgusting I am very disappointed like most people that only want to meet someone and these people are taking advantage of a situation thanks for listening to me
This site looked legit, so, I gave it a shot. Purchased $100 in coins, and start chatting. I quickly noticed that the messages I first received were from "ladies" from the same area, in kind of batches. It looked suspicious right from the start, but hey, i already had bought the coins... Then, after a few conversations, I offered a few ones to go outside the site to talk. Thay ALL refused, or give excuses to keep talking only on this site. That was the confirmation I needed. Avoid this place guys.
total scam i use the free coins you get daily to send messages lol
I agree with all of the above negative comments about ChatZone which does have volumes of fake profiles and automated responses by their robots or fraudulent people. Since I only searched for women, all I can write about relates to the female searches. is a scam!
they had one woman purpotedly near me,driving a left-hand car!!!!!!!-they are not clever....
I sent the most disgusting messages and ladies kept replying. Telling them what I was going to do to them in May messages and they loved it. Kinda got the clue this wasn't real. Good luck with that 10 bucks you fat bald jerk !!! is a total rip off and it is about time governments closed them down even sending them profanity didn't stop the bullshit replies
I have rung up over $1,000 in coins that you have to purchase to send messages to women on chat zone. At first, I was ecstatic. Very good looking women who contacted me and made sexual overtures. But, when it came time to meet them, there was always complications. Some reason or other for them not showing up. Then I got an ideal. I decided to ask several of the women I was talking with to stop messaging me and pick up the phone and call me. Not one woman would do so. Including one that said she was ready to come see me and meet my family! I demanded she call me one day or we were thru! She pleaded with me not to treat her this way. Begged me it was to soon. But in the end, she never called me. I was flabbergasted! Another woman who I thought actually loved me, cancelled her trip to see me at 3 am while I was messaging her that same morning! She kept giving different excuses as to why she had to cancel. I didn't believe any of them. She actually contacted me later and says she is now ready to see me! Sure you are honey. So, lesson learned I guess. And a very expensive one at that. I let my libido do my thinking for me, and it cost me. It just seemed so damn real they are good at what they do. Toward the end, I was getting close to 50 messages a day. It was hard to keep up. I would carry on several conversations at the same time. I feel so stupid, but they play to your ego with promises of seeing you soon with sexual bliss on the way. So you keep feeding those coins hoping that you strike gold. Only thing I struck was red. As in debt. Hope this helps someone who is thinking of getting on this rip off site. Don't do it. Its not worth it to have your ego stroked for that much coin.